Meet a member : Álvaro

By Laure Bommart Published 21/03/2018

Could you give us a little brief about yourself? (background, passions, activities, …)

I am Spanish and I come from a small town called Puertollano, in Castilla-La Mancha region where the book « Don Quixote » is based on. I am 28 years old and I am working in Brussels as projects and development engineer doing operational and financial stuff for a logistics multinational. Previously, I worked for a consulting group in projects for European Commission and United Nations in Brussels and before this I did some internships in financial consulting and energy companies.

As regards as my studies, I hold a Bachelor Science and Master Science in Forestry, Water Resources & Civil Engineering granted by Polytechnic University of Madrid; city where I lived for five unforgettable years and where most of my friends still live. To conclude my studies, I did one-year Erasmus program in Prague and I had the opportunity to meet a lot of people from all the world and make many friends (that kind of friends that you keep forever even when there is a long time that you don’t meet) and yes, it was f***ing amazing! Let’s say that my adventure abroad started at that point and… I am still abroad!

Then, things got more serious and I did a Master in European business at ESCP Business School through an intensive general management and business program with MBA-style curriculum taught over one year across two countries; thus, I lived in London and in Paris for one year, I experienced very good moments and I met a lot of people from other countries again and made new and awesome friends. Afterwards, my student life finally finished and I came to Brussels to work in that consulting group that I previously mentioned.

I love playing and watching football, F1, tennis and basket. I love music, I play Saxophone and I am learning to play the guitar. I am passionate of nature and environment so I like going to the countryside as well as traveling to different places in the world when my job allows me! Also, I love going out and partying as most of Spanish, so get ready for next Botanique’s party!! 😉

Why did you choose Brussels?

 I applied to different jobs in different countries. I had Mexico, Netherlands and Belgium as options and I decided to take this way because of this amazing weather that we have here! (laugh) I thought it was a very good opportunity to work in the EU bubble and living in a new city is always a nice experience so here I am!

What kind of accommodation were you looking for before your arrival?

I was looking for a typical shared flat with international people and I lived in two places with very good people before my arrival at Botanique house. This Cohabs house experience is definitively much better than the previous so I would have liked to move-in before if knew about it.

How and why did you choose Cohabs?

I visited Botanique’s house and met all the flatmates (15 people). I was a bit afraid of living with so many people but said to myself “why not?” so I accepted to join them. Just after this, I came to different events that they invited me to go to (parties, dinners, etc.) and I liked it so much. I was very happy to join this great community and then I knew that I made a very good decision of moving-in to a Cohabs’ house.

How would you describe your roommates?

They are nice and cool people, although this is obvious if you are living at the best Cohabs’ house, right? (laugh) I cannot complain since there is always nice plan to do, we share new moments together such as Christmas dinner and Thanksgiving lunch. Also, we have monthly meetings to organize everything at home so if there is any problem we can discuss it and solve it easily. All my flatmates are amazing people that I recommend you meet so let’s organize something soon with all Cohabs’ members!


What’s the most unexpected thing about coliving?

 I didn’t expect to figure out so many dynamic people willing to do new things and share new moments together; In addition, we are like a family, thing which helps when you are abroad and miss your friends and family so I would have liked to know Cohabs before.

Let’s imagine you’re 35 years old, you come back to Brussels to live here. Would you prefer living alone in your own flat or sharing a house with some young professionals ?

 I don’t even want to think about 30 and you tell me about 35?! (laugh) Well, I guess I will probably be back in Spain and having to wake up at 2, 3, 4, 5, 6am because a baby is crying. So, I am sure I will prefer to live alone but maybe my future wife will disagree!

Are you enjoying your life in Brussels? What’s your favorite place and Why?

Yes, I am enjoying my experience in Brussels and willing to engage more and more people to make new plans, going out, share new experiences, traveling, etc. So, who is in?!

As regards as my favorite place in Brussels, I really like the basement of Botanique’s house where I can play football table! Just kidding! (laugh) I really like Saint Catherine area, especially in summer when it is full of terraces and people around and you can enjoy the sun while having a drink with friends.


Could you tell us a funny story which occurred in your house so far?

Does throwing an amazing party with a bunch of people and that our dog statue got kidnapped by other Cohabs’ people and a sink broken by I don’t know who counts? Don’t worry, the sink was not broken at the end!!  Also, one guy from another house got trapped in a room during the party and he fell asleep and stayed there till 6am (laugh).

Would you recommend Cohabs to a friend? Why?

 Yes, I have to make you keep your job! (laugh) Jokes aside, I love this experience and I fully recommend it since you have lots of plans to do with great people such as parties at the best house ever, Botanique, and always have the opportunity to meet new and nice people within Cohab’s community and spend a lot of time with them!

About the author Community manager at Cohabs

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